Monday, July 9, 2012


Author: David Wiesner
Illustrator: David Wiesner
Published: In 2006 by Clarion Books
ISBN: 978-0618194575


      When this wordless picture book begins you immediately think the story will be about the adventures of the blond haired boy spending his day on the beach.  As the book unfolds, a sudden twist alerts the reader to the truth; this is not the story of the young boy, but instead about the secret story of a mysterious, waterborne, underwater camera.  Once the boy develops the film, David Wiesner transfers you to an entirely different world.  His colorful and detailed illustrations not only create an imaginative and captivating story, but a masterful work of art as well.


My Reaction: 

      This is truly a work of art.  From the first page to the last I was completely mesmerized.  I was amazed by the dramatic twists in plot, and the mind-blowing realization that this story really all comes down to an Escher like photograph of a picture inside a picture inside a picture.  At that moment the true magic is revealed.  This camera has an exciting history that goes back many generations.  I also love how, shortly before this moment, Weisner invites the reader into the story by presenting each of the boy's photographs on single pages, so that readers can feel as if they themselves are the boy looking at the pictures for the first time.  On another note, the simple and easily followed story and the immensely detailed pictures make this a perfect story to read with other people.  In fact I feel that it is better if you share the experience with at least one other person, because it enables you to bounce ideas off of each other and point out details the other person might have missed.  Reading this book is a is truly interactive experience.
It certainly captured my imagination and made me yearn to be the next kid to find the camera, and leave my mark in it's story.


My Rating (1-5 stars):


Still Curious: 


1. Do you know what the title Flotsam actually means?  Yes it is a real word!  It means:

 Floating wreckage of a ship or its cargo; broadly : floating debris

For more information follow one of the links below and see for yourself:
From the Student Dictionary (For Kids):

From the Learners Dictionary:

From Merriam Webster's Regular Dictionary:

2. Curious about why Mr. Weisner chose to write Flotsam.  Check this out:  

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